Getting Your Brain on Board for Your BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL Life
You know when you look across a field and you can see that there is a path that has been created for the public to walk through and then there is another trodden path that has been created by endless feet that have found a shortcut, this is called a desire path.
Called so, because it’s often the shortest and most easily navigated route between origin and destination.
In the journey towards our BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL life, there often lies a gap between where we are now and where we want to be. But what if I told you there's a way to bridge that gap—a way to create desire paths that lead you effortlessly towards your soulful goals?
Understanding Desire Paths: A journey into what’s going on in the brain
Desire paths are deeply rooted in the science of our brains. When we consistently focus our attention on a specific goal or desire, our brain undergoes remarkable changes. This process involves the formation of new neural pathways, connections between brain cells that become strengthened through repetition and reinforcement.
In neuroscience, this phenomenon is known as neuroplasticity—the brain's ability to reorganise itself and form new neural connections in response to learning, experience and environmental influences. When you set a BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL soul goal and spend the time thinking about it, visualising it and taking aligned action towards it, you create these desire paths of neural connection in your brain.
It's the same when you learn to ride a bike. At first you struggle to maintain balance and coordination. However, with practice and repetition, your brain forms new neural pathways dedicated to bike riding. Eventually, what once required conscious effort becomes second nature and your brain unconsciously takes the learned action each time you hop on the saddle. It's the same with your BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL soul goals; they literally become like riding a bike!
When you focus your thoughts and intentions on your BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL soul goals, you are training your brain to recognise and prioritise opportunities that align with those goals. As you consistently reinforce these neural pathways through positive affirmations, visualisation and intentional action, you pave the way for the creation of desire paths—paths of least resistance that lead you towards your desired outcomes.
Desire Paths in Action
Imagine you've set a BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL soul goal of starting your own heart-centred business. At first, it will seem daunting and often overwhelming as you navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship. However, by consistently visualising your success, affirming your capabilities and taking those one degree shift micro actions towards that BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL vision each day, you begin to reinforce the neural pathways associated with entrepreneurship.
As these pathways strengthen, you start to notice opportunities and resources that support your business venture seemingly appear out of nowhere. Your brain becomes attuned to spotting potential collaborators, innovative ideas and networking opportunities—all of which propel you closer to your goal. This heightens the experience with the Reticular Activation System kicking into play.
Reflection Questions for Creating Desire Paths
As this is a read and reflect post, here are three questions for you to explore creating your own desire paths towards your BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL vision.*
What is my vision?
Take a moment to envision your ideal life—the one that sets your soul on fire. What does it look like? How does it feel? Get clear on your soulful goal to pave the way for the creation of desire paths.
Find out more about how you set out your BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL Vision in step one of the BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL Life book.
What limiting beliefs or obstacles are standing in my way?
Identify any beliefs or obstacles that may be blocking your path towards your BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL vision. Are there fears holding you back? Doubts whispering in your ear? Acknowledge them, but don't let them derail you from your path.
Find out more about how you can bust beyond this resistance in step three of the BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL Life book.
What do I need to cultivate a mindset of possibility and empowerment?
Shifting your mindset from one of limitation to one of possibility is the wind beneath your wings when it comes to taking sustained action. Embracing the belief that you have the power to create the life you desire will help you achieve it. Affirmations, visualisations and surrounding yourself with empowering resources and supportive people can all help reinforce this mindset.
Create your self empowerment toolkit in step five of the BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL Life book.
As you embark on your journey towards your BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL life, remember that you have the power to create desire paths that lead you effortlessly towards your BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL vision. By understanding the neuroscience behind neural pathways and reflecting on powerful questions, you can pave the way for inevitable success and fulfilment.
Now, over to you. How will you begin creating your desire paths towards your BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL vision today?
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