Why Sensitive Souls Will Save the World
Have you ever been told you're too sensitive? Yep, me too.
I used to think that being told you were too sensitive was a slur, something that I needed to work on to 'toughen up', but now I realise that sensitivity is a super-power.
I mean, I feel everything.
This used to be both a blessing and a curse when I headed up client services in advertising agency world back in the day. It meant that I could build deep relationships with my clients quickly, but all too often, you became the kicking post if your client was having a bad day, or your team were late on delivering a project.
No matter how many times I got the tube into work with a crystal collection in my bra, or having zipped up my energy in a bubble of protection, I was all too often completely stressed and burned out.
But it's that sensitivity that serves me incredibly well as a coach and space holder, because it means I am tuned in on a sensory level. I can get into rapport with my clients incredibly quickly, because I can empathetically and intuitively connect in with them.
We get to the juice and heart of the matter quickly.
Are you a highly sensitive feeler?
π Maybe you're incredibly creative.
π Maybe you need a lot of time on your own to be quiet and reflective away from the noisy world.
π Maybe you feel the vibe of a room as soon as you walk into it.
π Maybe you love getting into deep conversations with people about the things that really matter.
If you’re nodding your head to most of these, then you are an highly sensitive, highly-intuitive people person.
These are powerful attributes to have when working with others to create big, bold, beautiful change in their lives. Being an energy detector and curious soul seeker are two of the biggest gifts you when working with people to explore beyond what ‘seems’ to be in front of them.
It literally unlocks a treasure chest of limitless possibilities to help them dig deep to find the answers they need.
Being in that energetic dance with your people where you embrace intuition, creativity and curiosity to help them activate more, and being the conduit to their grow and glow moments is one of the most rewarding aspects of coaching and people facilitation #bestjobever.
I created the Practical Magic Coach & Facilitation Programme for all the highly creative, sensitive souls to create from a place of love, intuition and making aligned, powerful choices.
If you want to explore that in your life and work, and you want to find out how Practical Magic and its potent blend of strategy, science and soul, then follow the call of the disco ball and book a call with me to explore the opportunity >
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