Activate, unlock & align to the potentiality of your expansive energy to make a BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL comeback

What would you do differently if you knew everything you ever needed was within you?
Ah, but it's not that simple is it? Living in uncertain times is playing havoc with your sense of self, and your mind is on a spin cycle about the ways things are going to turn out.
► One minute you feel OK, like you can see a glimmer of hope on the horizon, and then the thoughts and worries crash in like a tsunami ready to wipe out your good vibes and descend you into a play out of your life as a disaster movie.
► Trying to hold it all together for everyone around you whilst secretly (or maybe not so secretly) losing your proverbial sh*t every hour on the hour is freaking exhausting, and you're wondering when you can get back on a plane to hide yourself off on a remote island with no access to wifi.
► Yes, you’re feeling out of whack, and you can’t quite put your finger on what it is. Yes, this situation is obviously messing with your mojo and leaving you to question everything, but it’s more than that... you feel disconnected from that 'old you', so any kind of trust you had within you to not to f*ck up your entire life left town when you you were told it was safer to stay indoors.
There's no denying this is a huge period of upheaval, and with it your motivation, energy levels and ability to cope are no longer part of your support bubble.

Sound familiar?...
- You get tired more easily and find yourself running out of steam much faster than you ever used to
- You're second-guessing every. single. goddamn. decision you make
- You find yourself screaming at the kids, your partner, the dog more than usual
- You're easily distracted. And instead of working, you find yourself caught up in the doom scroll of social media, or caught up in the sidebar of shame
- Your mind is racing with a million questions that never get answered and running endless to-do lists that never get ticked off.
You know things need to change...

You wish you didn't have to control every little thing
Holding on with white knuckles controlling every detail, and thinking 100 steps ahead at all times is exhausting, and leaves little room for joy and spontaneous adventure

You feel disconnected from yourself
Spending all day every day being in your head is a pretty crowded and isolating place to be. You have become disconnected from that inner sense of knowing and trust, and it's time to get re-acquainted.

You crave certainty amongst all the uncertainty
If only you just knew that everything was going to turn out OK you would take more risks. You would take those leaps. You would be able to trust yourself and the decisions you make.
Yes, these time may feel unsettling & uncertain, but you are still here, & how you work with your energy matters now more than ever.
You know intellectually that everything will turn out OK, but that doesn't stop you waking up in the middle of the night, or the spectre of worry and overwhelm creeping into even the most calm of moments.
You can feel the anxiety rising, but there's little you can do to stop it.
You have creative ideas dancing with desires and passions for the kind of legacy you wish to create in the world, but without knowing it will work out you feel paralysed to take any leaps.
You want to turn off all the noise and focus on setting yourself for what you are building, but the rollercoaster of life has you feeling completely out of whack.
What if you could come home to yourself even amongst in a sea of chaos?

Be so in tune with your body, and the flow of energy throughout your body and your life that you can pay attention to the whispers, instead of being deafened by the screams.

Activate an inner well of resourcefulness available to you at all times so you can provide your own sense of stability by anchoring to your own certainty within, even when uncertainty is happening around you.

Pick yourself up out of the slump and rediscover your motivation and spark by feeling more expansive, empowered, calm, and in control... even in these times of contraction.

A 7 stepped online energy activation experience to help you re-set your inner GPS, plug you back into your natural resources and re-ignite the spark of your expansion.

If the mission is to live this one precious life to its fullest potential & magic, can you hand on heart say this is true for you right now?
This was the exact question I asked myself earlier this year. I had been in hustle mode for the last two years, as I had been the year before and the year before that. I was heading head-long into yet another burnout and despite having all the business plans, and all the strategies, I was still on my knees.
I was so close to giving it up despite knowing what I needed to and putting in the hours, I just couldn't seem to make it work. I would get so far and then run out of steam yet again. Honestly, if I had known then what was about to drop in 2020 I would have hung up my boots there and then.
But I wasn't done.
How could I be? My mission to light up 1,000,000 hearts to live their own BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL lives is my calling, and it wasn't going to stop being a rally cry, so I wasn't going to be able to stop feeling its pull.
Something needed to change.
I know I had so much more within me.
I knew I was capable of so much more.
I knew how it needed to be done, but in order to fully support the work that I am here to do, I needed to fully back myself from the inside out.
And then the pandemic came along and changed the game for all of us.
I knew I needed to go deeper, it was no longer viable being at surface level, in my head 24/7.
I connected deeper to the mission and my body to guide me to empowered vibrancy, and went on a voyage of discovery which breathed life into each part of my emotional, energetic and physical body.
Expansion from the inside out.
It was so bloody powerful, that even despite the crazy times we're living amongst, it's meant growth beyond my wildest dreams in every sweet and beautiful area of my life, and that of my clients too.
It's meant expansion in money, work, purpose, creativity and more... all blooming even when the world tells us we should be standing still.
Well, it's time to move, shake, dance and activate energy, not stay stuck or stagnant.
What will mean to you when you step into your fully expansive and empowered self?
Are you ready to find out?

Activating more than just your energy...

Activation & empowerment in action...

Experience, activate and explore:
Connect to stability and sense of ease and security in your life, without having to be contained by it
Trust the process of what you are creating / how you are living - from a place of confidence and clarity
Increase your ability for concentration and clear thinking
Set BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL GOALS and prioritise them
Act on those BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL goals and trust that everything will work out exactly as it needs to
Overcome perceived challenges.
Experience, activate and explore:
- Expressing yourself fully and deeply without feeling so self conscious
- Having healthier relationships with yourself and others
- Dialling up pleasure, joy and sensuality
- Connecting back in to the fullness of life
- Establishing healthier boundaries and the positive impacts this brings
- Increased passion for life and all its joys
Feeling more passion, joy and zeal for life
Increased self-confidence and self-worth
Feeling more creative and connected in every area of your life.

Experience, activate and explore:
Attaining and working towards your BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL dreams, desires and goals for 2021 and beyond.
The ability to be able to make empowered decisions more easily
Empowering your choices and your ability to carry out what you want to do in life.
Connecting to your deep sense of purpose, identity and life mission
Follow things through with a renewed sense of unapologetic confidence and motivation.
Experience, activate and explore:
Giving and receiving love fully and deeply
Letting go of past hurts and fear
Attracting, allowing and building healthy and nurturing relationships
Putting an end to over-perfectionism
Establish healthier boundaries in all relationships and communicating your needs
Leading with love and operating from a place of love and compassion; raising the global frequency and being of service in the world

Experience, activate and explore:
Speaking your truth and making your voice heard
Communicating clearly and with confidence in all situations
Sharing and communicating your needs / thoughts / feelings / beliefs more easily
Getting confident at public speaking and even start enjoying it
Calling in your community of people and being heard amongst a sea of people
Expressing yourself and being honest with others about how you feel where you would have previously avoided conflict
Putting yourself forward for more opportunities that you may have shyed away from before.
Experience, activate and explore:
- How to connect to your intuition and inner wisdom to make aligned decisions
- Trust every move you make to be the one you need at each step of the journey
- How to be guided by your internal GPS of intuition to help develop self-ownership & self-leadership
How to unlock the ability to recognise the deepest truth and unlock patterns of beliefs and behaviours that both serve and don’t serve.
- Developing your connection to a ‘sixth sense’ - higher wisdom / universal / cosmic / quantum intelligence

Experience, activate and explore:
Feeling connected to 'something more' and being connected to the meaning of life, and your part to play in it
Connecting to a higher and deeper levels of consciousness to access and understand more
Clearing subconscious limiting beliefs
Living in gratitude, trust, and faith instead of anxiety and fear
Surrendering and trusting that life is working out as it needs too. Feel able to pivot and go with the flow in all situations
More confidence and empowered thinking / feeling to connect in a fully live your BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL LIFE.
Come back to the full you...
I love the Expansive Empowerment Sessions and how they slot it into your life when it works for you.
I especially loved the audio recordings and have listened to those on numerous occasions (the ‘Reducing Anxious Feelings’ and the ‘Quiet Thunder, Activating your Inner Storm’) and continue to dip in and out of the other resources as I find doing different sessions at different times of the month/year/day result in a different outcome and perspective each time!
The Expansive Empowerment Session have brought me back into touch with the chakras and with the different energies connected to them, as well as to my body (I tend to live in my head quite a lot and forget that I exist below the shoulders). I’ve found the practices helpful in that respect and I’ve also really enjoyed working with the affirmations and what I call the ‘coaching questions’.
Having them to help me protect my energy and emotional well-being as part of my radical self-care at the moment can only be a good thing!

This is YOU WOO
The EXPANSIVE EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS navigate you through ever-shifting times so you can feel strong & centred.
In this seven-stepped online energy activation programme you are guided through how to activate each energy centre your body and your life. You will go on a voyage of discovery through the seven main chakra energy systems within the body.
From the ground up you will activate and release anything that isn’t working, and replace it with super-powered energy and vitality which will empower physical, emotional, mental, creative and spiritual wellbeing.
The Expansive Empowerment Sessions are a unique blend of ancient and modern practices and coaching tools designed to unlock the POWER & POTENTIALITY within the core of who you are on a mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and energetic level.
By opening up to your EXPANSION means you are opening your full self to inspiration, creativity and resourcefulness so you can feel like you're able to thrive through turbulent times.

What you get within each chakra Energy Activation

Full Activation Session
Chakra activation and alignment session which includes powerful grounding, breath work, mudra and creative visualisation.

Power Session
In-your-ears subconscious empowerment session for personal and energetic transformation.

Movement as Medicine Session & Power Playlist
Embodied movement session and playlists to create alchemy in your expansion.

Magical Morning Intention Setting & Creation Sessions
Movement practice and guide for creating a magical morning routine to start the day from empowered expansion

Energy Activation Coaching Workbook
A bespoke coaching workbook and guide for you to consciously connect to expansive energy shifts that you are bringing in to being.

Chakra Affirmation Guide
Activating affirmations to dial up energetic frequency and cultivate connections through the intelligence centres of your body and mind.
Step into your EXPANSIVE EMPOWERMENT right now with this special offer

Empowerment whenever you need it
Hey there, I'm Kate Taylor
I’m a life design and empowerment coach, Master NLP Practitioner, Qoya teacher and creator of Practical Magic Activation Deck - the UK's first life coach in a box.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long will I have access to the EXPANSIVE EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS?
What is the best time of day to do the Sessions?
What happens after I purchase the EXPANSIVE EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS?
What is Practical Magic, and do I have to believe in this woo woo stuff to get anything out of the EXPANSIVE EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS
Will I meet online with other people also doing the EXPANSIVE EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS?
I have mobility / injury / energy challenges, will I be able to do the movement activation exercises?
“Working with the Expansive Empowerment Sessions have been so refreshing. The one thing I love about it, is the content is always there when you need it. There’s no strict timing to attend sessions, I use the content on there either first thing before I’m starting work or during my lunch when you need that little boost through the day!
My favourite has to be all of the audio sessions. I really enjoy podcasts and although the video content is great, I love listening to the audios from Kate. Oh, and Magical Mornings are amaaaaazing to start your day!”
"What I love the most about the Expansive Empowerment sessions is the variety of content. Whatever my mindset there will be something I can use, whether it be the affirmations or a power session to focus on an issue in my life or work.
Because so much of it is either via video or audio, it feels personal and like Kate is in the room!
The Power Sessions stand out for me particularly. They are exactly what they say on the tin! I've had some big realisations and shifts through listening to these and love that I can revisit them as and when needed. “